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Integrate mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually using music

Bill Protzmann

San Diego, California, USA

From 126$ USD/session



Areas of expertise

Substance Abuse Recovery
Breaking Blockages

About Bill Protzmann

“We are justified in respecting the conclusion of Plato that musical training is a more potent instrument than any other in the integration of the human being.” ~ Manly P Hall: “The Therapeutic Value of Music”

AHO! Here’s a quick thumbnail about me.

My volunteer work has included Board positions with the not-for-profits Guitars for Vets and the San Diego Veterans Coalition. Care for Military Veterans is important to me. I have helped connect thousands of military service members and Veterans with honour tickets to the largest healing music organization in my city: The San Diego Symphony.

It has been a privilege to give keynote presentations to organizations like Consumer Action, The Society for Financial Education and Professional Development, 2 1-1 San Diego, Episcopal Community Services of California, and The American Music Therapy Association.

Online you can read my articles at Your Tango, The Good Men Project, Psychology Today, and You may find my first book at “More Than Human – The Value of Cultivating the Human Spirit in Your Organization.”

My recordings and videos are widely available online, too, and I’m especially humbled that my recording of Amazing Grace reached the #1 spot on back in the mid-90s and was accepted to the permanent collection of the United States Library of Congress in 2016.

For my foundational work establishing music as self-care, in 2014 I received an Inspiring Hope Award of Excellence from the National Council for Behavioral Health, which is a bit like winning an Oscar or a Palme d’Or in the mental health industry.

Bill Protzmann's approach to integration

I approach integration as a process of orchestrating all of the life skills one currently uses. That is, we have learned many ways to accomplish what we want, and have many practices to do that, so it seems most beneficial to explore the bedrock that supports all of those practices as a means of organizing – orchestrating – our lives around them.

Our bedrock is the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual (MEPS) aspects of our being, and music works with all of them simultaneously. So, we begin with music and incorporate it into the important practices we use to engage with those practices much more powerfully and completely.

In integration, this means that we align the desires and intentions that come from the psychedelic experience with music. We learn how to welcome the instant-on full engagement of our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual selves in the process of processing, understanding and mining the psychedelic experience. Students have discovered that this music-informed practice works as an integration tool for many other “integration” opportunities in life, too.


  • Reiki Level II
  • Psanctuary Ordained Certified Cleric (MySelf Minister and Friends & Family Minister)
  • CS Class Instruction
  • Musimorphic Coach – Master Level

Bill Protzmann's offerings

  • 126$ USD/hour